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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Farmfed Agri

Agriculture, encompassing a diverse spectrum of activities, is a fundamental pillar of human civilization. Its definition takes on various dimensions, but at its core, it revolves around harnessing the bounty of natural resources to create a tapestry of essential commodities that sustain life itself. In its grandest interpretation, agriculture becomes a symphony of innovation and cultivation, an intricate dance between humanity and the environment, resulting in the production of an array of indispensable resources. 


Porkalangadu, Guruvayur

Total 4500 Banana is planted called Pulian Vetti. The harvest period is 9 months. A bunch minimum 16 kg maximum 20 kg. Cultivation is done on 6 acres of land.

Mysore, Karnataka

Our farm is located in Malavalli, Mysore district, Karnataka state. It has been decided to start cultivation in 1000 acres of land by upcoming years, 500 acres of “Nentra Banana” and 500 acres of “Njalipoovan” are cultivated. Harvesting occurs twice a month and 24 times a year. Interim crops like green chillies, snake gourd, pulses, brinjal and spinach are also grown to meet farm expenses.