Multi state Cooperative societies
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to co-operative societies, with objects not confined to one State and serving the interests of members in more than one State, to facilitate the voluntary formation and democratic functioning of co-operatives as people’s institutions based on self-help and mutual aid and to enable them to promote their economic and social betterment and to provide functional autonomy ,was being felt necessary by the various cooperative societies, and federation of various cooperative societies as well as by the Government. In order to achieve the objective The Multi State Cooperative Societies Bill was introduced in the Parliament.The bill having been passed by both the Houses of Parliament received the assent of the President on 3rd July 2002 and it came on the Statute Book as The Multi State Cooperative Societies ACT 2002 (39 of 2002).
Who we are ?
Southern Green Farming and Marketing Multi State Co-operative Society Limited is one of the leading agriculture-based societies established in 2008 with a vintage of 16 years of functioning with ISO Certified, Certification scopes for providing service for agricultural activities, agricultural marketing, agricultural projects, deposits and loans. We strive to keep the goal of achieving revolution in the area of agriculture.

The objectives of FARMFED shall be to organize, promote and develop marketing, processing and storage of agriculture, horticulture and forest produce, distribution of agriculture machinery, the implements value added products and other inputs, undertake inter-state, import and export trade. We provide Bio-Fertilizer, Organic Seeds/Manure/Insecticides/Pesticide and Agriculture implements for producing various green farming products for increasing yield of agriculture produce of grower members. We also undertake purchase, sale and supply of agriculture products, marketing and processing requisites, such as manure, seeds, fertilizer, agriculture implements and machinery, packing materials, wheat, grain, pulse, food grains for agriculture commodities, forest produce, dairy cattle field and other allied.
- He/she has applied in writing in the prescribed form.
- He/she has paid admission fees and acquired at least one shares of the SOCIETY.
- He/she has given a declaration that he/she is not a member of any other similar co-operative society.
- He/she has fulfilled all other conditions laid down in the Act, Rules and Bye-laws of the SOCIETY.
- The Board of Directors of the SOCIETY approves the application to admit as a member.
- Has not attained the age of 18 years.
- He has been adjudged by a competent court to be an insolvent or an un discharged insolvent.
- Has been sentenced for an offence of a political character or an offence not involving moral turpitude and dishonesty and a period of five years.
The application for membership of the society shall be submitted by the applicant at any branch of the Society in the prescribed form, and KYC documents, including Aadhaar Card, Pancard with minimum one share application for ₹ 1000/- compulsorily with Rs10/- as admission fee. Upon fulfillment of eligibility norms, the applicant will be allotted one share of ₹ 1000/-. Member can surely apply for more shares, which will be allotted to you, subject to approval of the Society.
Multi-State Cooperative Societies are functioning as autonomous cooperative organizations accountable to their members and not under the administrative control of the Central Registrar, Ministry of Co-operation. Therefore, the depositors/members are advised to take decision for investing deposits based on the performance of the society at their own risk. Central Registrar, Ministry of Co-operation does not provide any guarantee for these deposits.